Fluid Equipment Development Company, LLC(简称FEDCO)是全球领先的流体机械解决方案设计与制造企业。FEDCO成立于1997年,总部位于美国密歇根州的门罗市,同时在阿联酋迪拜、新加坡设有销售和服务办事处。26年间,FEDCO砥砺前行,

Leading Technology
FEDCO is continually innovating and improving its products to provide you with the most efficient fluid energy solutions in the industry.

Certified Processes
ISO 9001:2015 certification of our Quality Management system is one example of our commitment to producing quality products for you.

Worldwide Support
Our sales and technical support teams are located at strategic locations around the world to provide quick response to your needs.

Fast Response Parts
FEDCO maintains an extensive inventory of parts to keep your equipment operating at its peak efficiency.

Environmentally Responsible
Our commitment to the environment starts with our facilities and manufacturing processes. Our energy saving products help companies protect the environment around the world.

Experienced Team
From senior management to the service technicians, the FEDCO team is widely recognized for its industry knowledge and expertise.